MFA Setup Instructions – Voice Call

MFA Setup Instructions – Voice Call

For a PDF with pictures, click here!

  1. Visit (recommended from a PC or VDI)
  2. Sign in by entering your Rivier email address and password. You will be asked to provide more information.
  3. Microsoft suggests using Microsoft Authenticator app. If you prefer to use the voice call option, you will need to click “I want to set up a different method” at the bottom of the page. Do not click Next.
  4. A dialog box will appear with a drop-down menu. Change the method to Phone (from app), then click Next.
  5. Enter your 10-digit phone number. Select “Call me” and then click Next.
  6. You will receive a phone call. Answer the call. When prompted, press # to verify your number.
  7. After the number was verified, you will see this on your screen. Click Done.
  8. The next page forces you to create an app password. Most people do not need this app password. Simply type any 8 letters into the box and then click Next.
  9. Again, you do not need your app password. Ignore this screen and click Done.
  10. If you see “Success!” then you are done! Click Done.

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