Student Printing from Personal Devices: Papercut Mobility Print

To print for the first time from a personal Windows laptop, Apple MacBook, or Google Chromebook:

See a video tutorial here!

  1. Click on the Papercut Mobility Link and follow the instructions on that page:
    • Download the Mobility Print app and install it.
    • Click the “Connect and get my printers” button (Windows & Mac) to add the campus’ student stations with print-release enabled.
      • When a browser message pops up, click to open the Mobility Print client.
  2. Print your document of choice to one of the newly-added printers.
    • Note: The first time you print a document using Papercut Mobility Print, you will also be prompted to enter your Rivier username and password. It will then store your credentials for any subsequent print jobs.


To print from a mobile device (Android, iPad, or iPhone), please follow the instructions from our Legacy Web Print option:

  1. Connect to the RIVIER network with your Rivier credentials. (See this article.)
  2. Go to URL:
  3. Log in with your Rivier credentials
  4. Select Web Print from the menu on the left side
  5. Select the “Submit a job” button
  6. Choose the desired print queue:
    1. printv\Student BW Print (virtual) –  for printing in black and white (.05 per page)
    2. printv\Student COLOR Print (virtual) – for printing in color (.25 per page)
  7. Select the green button ‘Print Options and Account Selection’
  8. Enter the number of copies
  9. Select the green button ‘Upload Documents’
    1. Click on the green button ‘Upload from Computer’
    2. Browse to the file that you wish to print
    3. Select the file
  10. Click green button ‘Upload and complete’
  11. This file will be sent to the print queue for that printer/copier
  12. Use your ID card to swipe into the printer/copier. Note: If it doesn’t recognize the card, you can login with your Rivier username and password.
  13. Click the ‘Release’ button on the bottom left portion of the printer/copier screen.
  14. Highlight the selected job and press the blue ‘Start’ button below the screen to print the document
  15. Print jobs will remain in the queue for 24 hours



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